Those Mysterious Writers: A Reading List
Hazel Rose, the amateur sleuth in my Hazel Rose Book Group series, is a romance writer. She joins an impressive list of fictional writer sleuths. Here are just a few:
Jo Bannister Dr. Clio Rees is a physician and mystery writer
Ray Bradbury’s unnamed writer and amateur sleuth operates in Los Angeles, California
Agatha Christie Ariadne Oliver is a mystery writer, friend of Hercule Poirot, and fan of apples. Here’s a list of the Christie novels where she appears.
Natasha Cooper Willow King is a romance writer in London, England
Robert Harris The Ghost Writer
Susan Kandel Southern California-based Cece Caruso is a biographer of dead mystery writers and fan of vintage fashions
Susan Kelly Liz Connors is a former English professor and freelance crime writer in Cambridge, Massachusetts
Rochelle Krich Molly Blume: true-crime writer in Los Angeles, California
Mary Jane Maffini’s sleuth, Fiona Silk, is a talent-challenged romance writer living in St. Aubaine, Quebec, Canada
Sharyn McCrumb Jay Omega is a college professor and science-fiction author
Tony Perona Nick Bertetto: freelance writer and stay-at-home dad, in Indianapolis, Indiana
Audrey Peterson Jane Winfield is a journalist and music writer, in London, England
Betty Rowlands Melissa Craig, crime novelist in the Cotswolds, England
Alice Tilton Leonidas Witherall: retired academic and secret pulp fiction author, in Boston, Massachusetts
See Stop! You're Killing Me for many more mysteries with writer sleuths.
For films about writers and writing (not just mysteries), see Lethal Lady Heather Weidner’s list.