Day In the Life
What’s an author’s typical day like? Hopefully, it includes writing. Otherwise, we’d lose rights to claim the job title. While my...

Why I Love Book Clubs
I used to think that writing a book would be the hard part. That once I had spent interminable hours writing my masterpiece, gotten...

The Book Fairy
Ever hear of The Book Fairy? You know, like The Tooth Fairy but with books instead of missing teeth. What’s not to love about finding a...

Getting Your Book Done: My Process
By Mollie Cox Bryan I sometimes hesitate to give writing advice because every writer’s creative process is unique. Often, it’s the result...

There is little debate over the fact that crime fiction is the most popular genre with a female audience, and that over half of these...

Specialized Law Enforcement: Tips for Authors
Our chapter of Sisters in Crime chapter hosts a variety of programs for our authors to help them write it right. Recently, we had a...

Where People Live
Here’s a blog post for readers and writers alike. Please comment if, as a reader, you find that descriptions of a character’s living area...

Guilty or Innocent? Does it really matter?
I’ve had to deal with this question for years. Fiction and Hollywood always tries to make it out that good always wins, the innocent will no

To My Author Mentors
Writers get lots of advice. Some of the best I’ve received is to study the works of other writers. And I’ve done just that, analyzing the...

Wet or Dry?
Everyone knows about Prohibition, which came into existence by constitutional amendment across the United States from 1920 until it was...